Key Information | Harper & Keele Veterinary School
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Key Information

The following policies, procedures and guidance have been collated to provide applicants and students with easy access to the arrangements by which students’ studies and everyday student life, whilst at Harper and Keele Veterinary School, are governed.

These are updated regularly and apply to all students studying at Harper and Keele Veterinary School in all years of study. The detailed arrangements, which are accessible through the web links, are subject to periodic review, through approved decision making processes. These often involve committees which include student representation, although a small number are designated to staff members, by the Board of Governors.

The Vet School reserves the right to make changes to these documents at any time if necessary, for example, it is required in order to: comply with changes to the law, governmental policy, guidance or to take account of a ruling by a court or similar body; comply with any changes required by the Office for Students or any successor or other relevant regulatory or funding body; implement new methods or improvements to the provision of services; to assist in the delivery of services; to incorporate good practice or sector guidance; to ensure fitness for purpose; to correct errors.

Such changes will normally be brought into effect for the following academic year, although it may be necessary to introduce changes earlier, for example, to comply with a change in the law or where the change is in the interests of students. The Vet School will upload the updated version of the document to this webpage as soon as reasonably practicable.

  • Academic Appeals Policy - This policy tells you what to do if you want to appeal against the recommendations or decisions of the Board of Examiners.
  • Academic Engagement Policy - This Policy sets out the School’s expectations of its students in terms of engagement, how the School will support students to engage with their studies, and the consequences should a student’s level of engagement fall below the expected level.
  • Admissions Policy - Outlines our goal to provide equal opportunity for all individuals, regardless of background, to gain admission to the course based on their ability and aspirations. The policy also highlights the procedure for complaints about the handling of an admissions decision, and our procedure for handling declarations of criminal convictions.
  • Assessment Regulations 2022-23 - Details the level of achievement that a student must satisfy in their assessments in order to qualify for progression to the next stage of their studies or for an award. These regulations are updated annually and published for the current academic session. 
  • Assessment Regulations 2023-24 - Details the level of achievement that a student must satisfy in their assessments in order to qualify for progression to the next stage of their studies or for an award. These regulations are updated annually and published for the current academic session. 
  • Assessment Regulations 2024-25 - Details the level of achievement that a student must satisfy in their assessments in order to qualify for progression to the next stage of their studies or for an award. These regulations are updated annually and published for the current academic session. 
  • Complaints Procedure - The arrangements by which registered students may complain about circumstances which directly relate to the Vet School’s educational provision such as classes, assessment arrangements, access to School resources and staff, extra-mural studies, clinical rotations and the interface between the School and either or both of the host institutions. The procedure of the relevant host institution should be used for matters that do not directly relate to the School’s educational provision.
  • Exceptional Circumstances Procedure - Information regarding the arrangements for requesting extensions to coursework deadlines, deferral of examination due to illness or other incapacity or requests for consideration of impact on student performance due to circumstances outside the control of the student. This information applies to all vet school students hosted at either Harper Adams or Keele University.
  • Examination Code of Practice - This Code of Practice sets out the School’s approach to scheduling and delivering examinations. It includes the rules for conduct during examinations and what happens if you miss an examination.
  • Fees and Charges 2022-23 - A guide to the charges students may face relating to their time at the Vet School, including university fees, accommodation and other course and activity related costs. The final (normally second) edition is released July / August 2022, immediately preceding the start of the next academic session.
  • Fees and Charges 2023-24 - A guide to the charges students may face relating to their time at the Vet School, including university fees, accommodation and other course and activity related costs. The final (normally second) edition is released July / August 2023, immediately preceding the start of the next academic session.
  • Fees and Charges 2024-25 - A guide to the charges students may face relating to their time at the Vet School, including university fees, accommodation and other course and activity related costs. The final (normally second) edition is released July / August 2024, immediately preceding the start of the next academic session.
  • Fees and Charges 2025-26 - A guide to the charges students may face relating to their time at the Vet School, including university fees, accommodation and other course and activity related costs. The final (normally second) edition is released July / August 2024, immediately preceding the start of the next academic session.
  • Fitness to Practise Policy - Guidance for students in relation to responsibilities and conduct, which must be demonstrated in their professional and private lives when they apply to enter the veterinary profession.
  • Health and Wellbeing Policy incorporating the Support to Study Procedure - This policy describes how we will support the health and wellbeing of Vet School students. It also describes the procedure for addressing any concerns about a student’s fitness to study.
  • Privacy Notice - This document summarises how Harper Adams University and Keele University collect and use personal data about you during your time and after you leave the Harper & Keele Vet School.
  • Reasonable Adjustments Policy - This policy sets out how we aim to ensure that students receive an inclusive learning experience which means a person with a disability and non-disabled students are offered learning opportunities that are equally accessible to them.
  • School Student Transfer Policy - This Policy sets out the transfer arrangements available to registered students of the Harper & Keele Veterinary School and applicants looking to transfer directly into the year 2 of the Batchelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery programme.
  • Student Conduct and Disciplinary Policy - This policy sets out the School’s expectations of its students in terms of conduct, both academic and non-academic, how the School will support students to conduct themselves appropriately and the consequences of any misconduct.
  • Term dates 2023/24 - Term dates and reassessment periods during which all students are expected to be available for study and assessment. New students must attend during the Welcome Week/Week 0.
  • Term dates 2024/25 - Term dates and reassessment periods during which all students are expected to be available for study and assessment. New students must attend during the Welcome Week/Week 0.
  • Term dates 2025/26 - Term dates and reassessment periods during which all students are expected to be available for study and assessment. New students must attend during the Welcome Week/Week 0.
  • Terms and Conditions 2020 - Key Information relating to the students' contracts with Harper Adams University and Keele University.
  • Terms and Conditions 2021 - Key Information relating to the students' contracts with Harper Adams University and Keele University.
  • Terms and Conditions 2022 - Key Information relating to the students' contracts with Harper Adams University and Keele University.
  • Terms and Conditions 2023 - Key Information relating to the students' contracts with Harper Adams University and Keele University.
  • Terms and Conditions 2024 - Key Information relating to the students' contracts with Harper Adams University and Keele University.
  • Terms and Conditions 2025 - Key Information relating to the students' contracts with Harper Adams University and Keele University.
Policies relevant to Harper Adams University
  • Accommodation Licence Agreement - Outlines the Conditions of Residence, dates of residency, deposit information, tenant responsibilities and arrangements should a student withdraw from study. This agreement also sets out the expectations we have of students living in University accommodation, generic damage charges and fines, deposits, ID card and key replacement charges.
  • Collection of Student Debt Policy - Sets out the sanctions in place for students who do not make payments as agreed with the University
  • Data Protection Policy - This includes details on the purposes for which personal data is held, the categories of data held, the safeguards in place, to whom data may be disclosed and students' and the University’s responsibilities with regard to data. The GDPR Layered Notice is also provided for your information.
  • Drugs and Alcohol Policy - This policy sets out the arrangements by which students who abuse drugs and / or alcohol are educated, supported and disciplined, as appropriate for their own safety and the safety of others.
  • Freedom of Speech, Academic Freedom and External Speaker Policy - Outlines the formal policies and procedures in place to secure freedom of speech and maintain academic freedom.
  • Prevent Policy Statement - This document sets out how the University implements its Prevent Duty. It should be read alongside the Safeguarding Policy.
  • Records Retention Schedule - The University’s Records Retention Schedule can be found in section 5 of the Publication Scheme.
  • Refund and Compensation Policy - Details the arrangements to refund University fees and other relevant costs to students and to provide compensation, where necessary, in the event that the University is no longer able to preserve continuation of study.
  • Safeguarding Policy - Sets out the arrangements by which children and vulnerable adults are safeguarded from harm and all members of the University community are protected from radicalisation.
  • Student Protection Plan - Outlines the measures in place to preserve continuation of study for students and covers what happens in the event of minor and major changes to a course, a course closure, arrangements for courses run with other providers, arrangements for visa-sponsored students in the event the University loses it licence to sponsor students, insurances and estates risks, significant events affecting the University and University closure.
  • Student support information - This link takes you to the Harper Adams Student Support pages where you can find information about all the support services available at Harper Adams.
Policies relevant to Keele University
  • Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure - This document outlines the university's approach to dealing with bullying, harassment and victimisation for both staff and students
  • Charging and Payment of Student Fees Policy - This policy sets out the rules and mechanisms for collection of student fees, and the consequences of non-payment of fees.
  • Data Protection Policy - This Policy specifies how the University governs and manages personal data within a wider Information Governance and Security framework and in accordance with legislation.
  • Freedom of Expression Code of Practice - This document outlines the University’s commitment to maintain freedom of speech and academic freedom.
  • Harm Reduction Policy - Outlines the support and guidance available for students affected by alcohol or drug related problems. The policy sets out a clear framework of acceptable and responsible behaviour and the possible disciplinary action for related misconduct. For Veterinary Medicine students, any reference to Fitness to Practise procedures within this Policy should be taken to mean the Harper & Keele Vet School Fitness to Practise Policy, included on this page.
  • Information Security Policy - This Policy sets out the University’s intentions in managing information security as part of effective governance
  • Records Retention Schedule - This schedule documents the minimum retention periods for Keele University records.
  • Safeguarding Policy - This Policy sets out the University’s approach to preventing and reducing the risk of harm to children and adults at risk, providing a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults to visit and participate in activities at the University.
  • Social Media Guidance - This guidance is intended to support you in making the best use of social media sites without compromising your personal security, current/future career opportunities; (particularly if you are studying for a professionally accredited programme or award) and/or the reputation of the University.
  • Student Protection Plan - The University’s Student Protection Plan has been approved by the Office for Students. The Plan outlines the measures in place to preserve continuation of study for students and covers what happens in the event of minor and major changes to a course, a course closure, arrangements for courses run with other providers, arrangements for visa-sponsored students in the event the University loses it licence to sponsor students, insurances and estates risks, significant events affecting the University and University closure.
  • Support to Study Policy - The policy and procedure are intended to support staff and students when a student’s health, wellbeing and/or behaviours are having a detrimental impact on their ability to progress academically and their student experience.

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